My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend Game

  My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend


As a youthful individual who resides in an impoverished district, you find yourself destitute yet again due to job loss. One night while gazing out of your dwelling's windows, you notice a military vehicle swerve uncontrollably and nearly crash into the vicinity. A portion of its contents spills over onto a nearby trench before it swiftly departs from the area. Curiosity impels you to investigate further as soon enough something takes shape amidst this mystery cargo - It is none other than what appears to be robotic young lady! The ultimate decision lies with Anon: Will he decide upon selling his newfound robot and pursue contentment for life or will unabated poverty culminate in inevitable frostbite on desolate metropolitan lanes? Your actions shall serve as determinants regarding each aspect mentioned above..


Name: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend


Genre: Simulation

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